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All information displayed by the Service and its web site is for general informational purposes only and is not intended to be relied upon as investment, financial, legal, design, accounting, architectural, construction, medical, and similar advice related to the purchase, sale, lease, construction of, and/or investment in a residential property. Before executing any real estate, financial, contractual, and/or other transaction based upon information obtained through the Service and from this web site, you should consult with a legal, financial, real estate, design, accounting, construction, medical, architectural, and/or related professional. Neither the Service, nor BFLD, LLC, BFLD, LLC’s successors and authorized agents guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or timeliness of information appearing within the Service and its web site. Limitation of Liability. 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No amendment to or modification of this License will be binding unless in writing and signed by BFLD, LLC, its authorized agents, or successors in interest. Any translation of these Terms of Use from English is at the user’s own risk. Be smart: hire an attorney to represent your legal interests the moment that you decide to buy, sell, and/or invest in a Soho loft apartment. Licensed real estate brokers are wise to protect their interests by regularly consulting with New York lawyers to help them draft brokerage contracts, learn about changes in the law, and learn about new tax matters, financial issues, legal and regulatory matters, and/or court decisions that could significantly affect their business. Did you forget to read everything on this page really carefully? Go back and read everything again. It’s all really, really important. |
![]() New York City's Soho neighborhood is the loft capitol of the world. |